P.E. Labellers brings the latest innovative labeling solutions at Pack Expo 2023

ago. 29, 2023

The awaited trade show will take place in Las Vegas – NV from September 11 to 13, and P.E. Labellers is ready to welcome the visitors and let them discover three iconic labeling solutions exhibited at Booth #3025, inside the amazing, huge ProMach exhibition area.

This year there is one more reason to come to the P.E. Labellers’ booth: we have chosen the international trade show to preview on the market the new SkyLine, the revolutionary linear labeling machine with pressure sensitive technology, which breaks the rules and differs significantly from any other solutions present today.

SkyLine is a design icon, with a compact and captivating layout, completely ergonomic, with automatic adjustments and easy maintenance.

In addition to the SkyLine, you will also be able to see Modular SL, the famous flexible multi-configuration and multi-technology labelling solution, and Aurora 5.0, the shrink sleeve and tamper band applicator which offers the flexibility to perform four different shrink applications.

What’s on the line?

P.E. Labellers is ready to show you the latest news:

Modular SL - ergonomic and flexible machine, fully equipped with all the new labelling stations. Modular SL is a multi-configuration and multi-technology solution. Fully interchangeable labeling stations are installed on it, which can be replaced in a few steps. The labeling stations can be either fixed or on independent carts.

  • new Simpl-Cut™ Roll-fed unit on cart
  • new FA-ST 140 m/min PSL groups both on cart and fixed module
  • new automatic PSL junction solution
  • cold glue cut & stack station on cart
  • hot melt cut & stack stations on cart
  • vision orientation system
  • quality check
  • multiformat starwheels

Aurora 5.0 – new shrink sleeve and tamper band applicator, compact and high-performance labeler, easy to install and to maintain, built to maximize output and reduce operating costs. Il offers the flexibility to perform four different shrink applications, with a production speed up to 500 cpm:

  • Full body sleeves
  • Full body over-the-cap sleeves
  • Partial body sleeves
  • Tamper evident bands

SkyLine: keep ready to unveil! This is the revolutionary new generation of pressure sensitive linear labelling. This completely innovative solution, with an ergonomic and captivating design, boosts a mix of benefits that differentiates it from any other linear labelling machine on the market.

Pack Expo 2023 will be the best opportunity to discover live P.E. Labellers innovative solutions and see the difference from all the others.

P.E. Labellers showcases all its strength through iconic labeling solutions of design innovation.

The company exhibits at Hall 13 | booth A75 within the huge ProMach exhibition area.

Sobre PE Labellers

Fabricantes de alimentos, bebidas, vinho e destilados, comida para animais, cuidados pessoais, produtos químicos e cosméticos no mundo inteiro confiam nos sistemas de rotulagem rotativa e linear de alta velocidade da P.E. Labellers. De sistemas com cola fria e hot melt, a autoadesivos, roll-fed e combinados, a P.E. Labellers trabalha com a mais ampla gama de soluções de aplicação de rótulos. Como parte da linha de negócios ProMach Decorative Labeling, a P.E. Labellers ajuda seus clientes de embalagens a proteger e a aumentar a reputação e a confiança dos consumidores. ProMach é desempenho, e a prova disso está em cada embalagem. Saiba mais sobre a P.E. Labellers no site www.PELabellers.com.

Contato de mídia
P.E. Labellers Marketing | E-mail: [email protected]

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