April - July 2022 press review
Jul 29, 2022Some of the articles published in the most read magazines and the most popular web portals, talk about the new P.E. products launched on the market, the trade shows attended in the last quarter and the case studies with our customers.
TecnAlimentaria - Beverage Industry (Apr)
Adv: pag. 39 - Editorial: pag. 48-49
Italian Food & Packaging Technology (Apr)
Adv: 2nd cover - Editorial: 36-37
Imbottigliamento (Apr)
Adv: 2nd cover - Editorial: 95
Inside Food & Drink (May)
Adv: back cover - Editorial: 24
Beverage Machines (May)
Adv: pag. 1 - Editorial: 21
Food Processing (May)
Adv: pag. 53 - Editorial: 54-55
Expo Pack - Showcase Editions (Jun)
Adv: pag. 37 - Editorial: 36
Industrie delle Bevande (Jun)
Adv: pag. 53 - Editorial: 32
TecnAlimentaria - Beverage Industry (Jun)
Adv: pag. 45 - Editorial: 62-63
Inside Food & Drink (Jul)
Adv: 2nd cover - Editorial: 138-139
Beverage Machines (Jul)
Adv: pag. 1 - Editorial: 21
Pet Planet Insider (Jul)
Adv: back cover
About PE Labellers
Food, beverage, wine and spirits, pet food, personal care, chemical, and cosmetic manufacturers across the globe rely on P.E. Labellers’ high-speed rotary and linear labeling systems. From cold glue and hot melt, to self-adhesive, roll-fed, and combination systems, P.E. Labellers handles the broadest range of label application solutions. As part of the ProMach Decorative Labeling business line, P.E. Labellers helps our packaging customers protect and grow the reputation and trust of their consumers. ProMach is performance, and the proof is in every package. Learn more about P.E. Labellers at www.PELabellers.com.
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